Understanding Reports


Inventory Movement

Intended Use: Review changes to inventory quantity; represents inbound shipments, manual adjustments, outbound shipments and returns. 

Additional Detail: The Inventory Movement report provides visibility into transactional events for each SKU. Whether units have been added or removed, it will appear in the report along with logs for event details to explain the reason for the transaction.


Inventory Stock Levels

Intended Use: Pull a snapshot of your current stock in real time, with the ability to select specific products or all. If you select to view the detailed report, you will see the Daily Averages and Days of Stock remaining.

Additional Detail: There is also an automated Inventory Stock Levels report that gets generated daily by the system, ready for you to download. The purpose of this is to be able to retroactively download stock levels for specific dates.


Inventory Lot Details

Intended Use: View a snapshot of current stock along with the lot details and quantities for each.

Additional Detail: Please note that this report is only available for clients that have an added Lot Tracking service with Shipfusion. If you do not have Lot Tracking for your products, you can disregard this report. 



Intended Use: The Inbounds report is essentially an export of all inbounds by Creation Date. The report will show the status for each Inbound shipment along with the quantity details, and more.


Order Status

Intended Use: Identify on hold orders for action, review all statuses of orders. 

Additional Detail: Based on the date range selected, the Order Status report provides a breakdown of all the shipments and their current status. The date range will align the orders’ Creation Date (when the order was submitted by the end customer) to filter the report with.

Order Statuses:

  • In Queue
  • In Process
  • Shipped
  • Back Order
  • On Hold
  • Canceled


Portal Orders

Intended Use: View manual orders entered by client into the Portal (nothing processed via API).

Additional Detail: This is sortable using the date range selection. This report will show:

  • Shipment ID
  • Order Number
  • Order Date
  • Created By (Portal user who submitted the manual creation)


Current Back Orders

Intended Use: View all current orders in the “Back Order” status. The data is reflective of orders at the time of report creation.

Additional Detail: Two tabs will generate in the downloadable report: one list of back orders by order and one organized at the product level. 


Orders Shipped

Intended Use: Track orders through the shipment process. 

Additional Detail:  The Orders Shipped report is a snapshot of all orders that are in the “Shipped” status based on the date range selected. The data can include all order details such as carrier/services, tracking number, SKUs and quantities, and more.


Product List

Intended Use: View all active SKUs - clear out old inventory/inactive. This also can serve as a space to view customs detail for international shipments.

Additional Detail: The Product List report is a breakdown for your existing SKUs in your Manage Products library. It will include the products’ customs info, weight and dimensions, and more. This report will help save you time if you’re looking to retrieve all of your SKU’s detailed info without having to view each one of them on the Manage Products page.


Returns Created 

Intended Use: Check the status of returns created within Shipfusion, inclusive of status based on the selected date range. 

Additional Detail: This will pull all return statues; those created and pending return to Shipfusion as well as returns that have been processed.  


Returns Processed 

Intended Use: Check the outcome of returns received and processed by Shipfusion.

Additional Detail: This report is editable between two dates. 



Intended Use: View status and summary of submitted projects. 

Additional Detail: The Projects report provides a detailed sheet of all projects based on the date range you select. The data will include the Project IDs, Statuses, Creator, Billing info, and more.


Monthly Statement

Intended Use: Review the export of your billing statements that are based on the Month you choose to download. 

Additional Detail: This is identical to exporting directly from viewing your statements under Billing.


Transaction Report

Intended Use: View transactions based on any applied date range. 

Additional Detail: Similar to the Monthly Statement report, the Transaction Report will provide a billing breakdown of all Shipfusion charges. The difference with this report is that you are able to select your own date range instead of pulling them as per exports by calendar month.

Check out this article on How to Create a Report